Last five minutes of verification codes for H40WA.

Callsign Date Timestamp Code
H40WA 20240727 110530 109989
H40WA 20240727 110600 944223
H40WA 20240727 110630 509972
H40WA 20240727 110700 572583
H40WA 20240727 110730 424400
H40WA 20240727 110800 352723
H40WA 20240727 110830 246792
H40WA 20240727 110900 373795
H40WA 20240727 110930 146209
H40WA 20240727 111000 643709
H40WA 20240727 111030 344905
Make sure that the Code and the Timestamp BOTH match what was sent by the station claiming to be H40WA.
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